

"Anthony with Evergreen Consultants approached us several years ago offering their services to help with our cell tower lease. At the time there was nothing going on but several year later, we decided to sell our tower lease and property. We hired Anthony and he was extremely helpful with the entire process. Most importantly he was able to significantly improve the offer we had from American Tower. When they wouldn’t budge on price, Anthony was able to bring in additional buyers with better offers and forced American Tower to match (as was their right under the lease). He was very helpful with this procedure and the closing. Whenever there were roadblocks, Anthony was there to clean things up and keep everything on track. As a busy business owner, it was really comforting having representation working on our behalf. It gave me the comfort and freedom to focus on my business. Many thanks Anthony, great job!"
Riverside CA
"As real estate pro’s, we understood the benefit of bringing in an expert that new the market and all the players. Anthony was able to triple the number of offers and drove up the sale price substantially. His insight and knowledge were crucial in getting us the best deal. He was very helpful with the closing process as well, making sure things were handled smooth and transparently. Going through the broker process with Anthony gave us piece-of-mind that we didn’t leave any money on the table. We are very happy with Anthony and Evergreen Consultants and highly recommend them."
Marietta GA
"Our church had been contemplating selling our T-Mobile lease and had several offers. We were considering taking one of them when we were approached by Hector and Anthony from Evergreen Consultants. They did a very good job of explaining that there were numerous buyers in the market and that they could significantly improve our offer by shopping our lease around (they even guaranteed it in writing!). They also discussed the process of closing and how they could help with that too. We were mostly interested in getting a better offer and did not immediately consider the complexities of closing. In our mind, we would simply sign some documents and wait for a check, but as it turns out, there was much more to it than that. Our lease had a “consent clause” whereby we needed permission from T-Mobile to sell. And we also had multiple mortgages that required consent from the lenders. During this process, we also received an ominous letter from a company contracted with T-Mobile to try and get landlords to accept reduced rent or purchase the lease but for significantly less than market value. Having Anthony and Hector there to help advise us and guide us through this entire process was amazing and reassuring to have experts on your team looking out for your interests. Our church ended up receiving quite a bit more than any of our previous offers even after paying the fair brokers fee, plus it was a lot less headache for me to have the help. They even offered to market our properties for additional wireless tenants at no cost. The service these guys provide is incredible and we highly recommend them and would use them again."
Santa Ana CA
"Our church has had a cell tower for many years. Even though we had already extended the lease a couple of times, we were approached again for another extension. Anthony was introduced to us by a nearby church and we decided to enlist his help. We felt we had left some opportunity on the table with previous extensions and wanted some expertise this time around. We were pleased and surprised at how much Anthony was able to improve our lease. Prior to Anthony’s help, our lease extension offers only included a modest signing bonus and no other improvements. Anthony was able to negotiate higher rent and yearly increases. His efforts significantly improved our lease and we are so grateful for his help."
"We had a cell tower on our property for several years, but it was decommissioned and removed. Much to our surprise, several years later, we were approached by AT& T to build another tower. We were excited at getting another tower but wanted to be sure we negotiated the best lease. Anthony was recommended by a business associate and right away we knew things were different. He was a tremendous help in getting better economic terms and eliminating clauses that were disadvantageous. Once the lease was complete, Anthony was there to help us sell it as well. He was able to bring in numerous buyers improving the price & terms along the way. Once we settled on a buyer, he was instrumental in helping to get closed. We strongly recommend Anthony to anyone looking for assistance with their cell tower lease. We can’t thank him enough for all the help he provided."
"Our organization has been working Anthony & Evergreen consultants for several years. They helped us initially by renegotiate one of our cell tower leases. Anthony did a great job finding better extension terms than had been previously offered. The best part however was that he was always available anytime we had questions or concerns about our leases. Very helpful for us to have an expert just a phone call away. Recently, our group began entertaining offers to sell our 2 tower leases. We had received many offers in the past but wanted to find out what they were really worth. Again, Anthony stepped in and was able to help by shopping our leases to numerous buyers. The results were better offers than we had ever seen before. After the decision was made to move forward with the sale, Anthony was there every step of the way to guide us through the closing process. We are extremely happy with the job Anthony did and highly recommend him."
New Mexico
"Anthony with Evergreen Consultants had approached our company regarding our two cell towers a while back. At the time we didn’t have a need however, recently, both tower companies were seeking lease extensions and had offered buyouts. As busy businesspeople we really didn’t have the time or the expertise to deal with these leases. So we made the decision to enlist Evergreen Consultants to help sort everything out and provide options to consider. We are very happy with the results as Anthony was able to find better terms than we had previously been offered. The decision was made to move forward with a buyout option. Anthony not only found the best price & terms but was instrumental in helping close. It was very satisfying to have an expert on your team that new all the players and had a wealth of resources. We are very satisfied with Anthony and Evergreen Consultants and would highly recommend them. Great job Anthony thanks for all of your help!"
"We had been negotiating back and forth with our cell tower tenant regarding selling our lease for some time. But the offers were less than what we thought they should be. Anthony and Evergreen Consultants were recommended by a business associate and we were extremely glad to have his help. He shopped our lease around to several prospective buyers, however, we had a consent clause in our lease that required the tower co to approve the sale. Most of the buyers expressed concern over gaining consent from our tenant, which in turn limited the offers. Regardless, Anthony found a buyer that we were willing to move forward with. Before we executed the Term Sheet however, Anthony suggested we look at extending our lease first. He explained there were only a few years left and if successful, he may be able to not only replace the restrictive consent clause, but also increase the rent and get a signing bonus too.His efforts paid off, and he was able to significantly improve the lease and subsequently the purchase price. Anthony’s keen insight and strategy enabled us to receive more money for our lease than we expected. We cannot thank him enough for his help and highly recommend him. Thanks again Anthony for all your efforts!"
Jacksonville FL
"Our church has had a cell tower on the property for almost 20 years. We had spoken to many people, mostly interested in purchasing our lease. We had no interest in selling at the time, but our lease term was about to expire soon. Not sure where to turn, an honest lease buyer recommended we speak with a consultant, who could help us get the best renewal terms for our lease. We reached out to Anthony based on a recommendation and we’re very happy we did. He discussed all the various options available, many of which we were not aware of. He negotiated a significant rent increase and sizeable signing bonus with our tenant. He also gave us an evaluation of the lease if we wanted to sell. Needless to say, we were shocked at how much it was really worth. He found offers that were more than four times previous ones. After some careful thought and analysis, we decided to sell the lease and use the funds for our church. The best part of working with Anthony is that he was truly on our side and not at any moment did he recommend anything. He simple provided ALL the information so we could make an informed decision. We are forever grateful for his help and express our sincere and heartfelt appreciation."
Montgomery AL
"Anthony did a phenomenal job negotiating my Verizon lease. Not only was he able to get better rent and increases, but he also limited some of the onerous contract language. The best part of working with Anthony is that it freed me up to focus on my business. And 3 years later when the rent checks suddenly stopped coming, Anthony stepped in and was able to correct the problem with the tower company. It was great having his knowledge and experience on my side."
"Anthony and Keith from Evergreen Consultants approached us about helping with our tower lease. We were in the process of extending the lease but were unsure if we were getting the best terms available. They were able to help significantly by showing us there were other options to maximize the monthly rent. They provided a program that allowed us to share in the revenue being generated from the tower but with no limits. We felt this program was the best fit for us and without Anthony & Keith we would have never found out about it. We are very satisfied with the service Evergreen Consultants provided and we highly recommend them. Thanks again for all your help!"
"I was looking for some help selling my tower lease when someone suggested I speak with Anthony. He and his team of consultants did a great job explaining the process and how they looked for buyers with the best appetite for my lease and situation. After reviewing my lease, they informed me I had a rent increase coming due and that the tower co was planning on adding another carrier (I was unaware of this), for which I would receive some additional compensation. They explained we would get a higher price once the rent increase and revenue share took effect, which was only a few months away. By utilizing this strategy, they were able to significantly increase the purchase price of my lease. Without their insight and advisement, I probably would have accepted the previous offer for less money. Anthony also was instrumental in the closing process keeping us informed and the deal on track. Thanks Anthony on a job well done!"
Atlanta GA
"We were approached by our tenant with an offer to extend our lease in exchange for a modest signing bonus, same rental terms, and modifications to the contract language. They offered to extend the lease even though we still had several years remaining. We were satisfied to simply sign the extension agreement as is and utilize the signing bonus for our church. Having spoken to Anthony in the past, we trusted his knowledge and experience in providing some honest feedback. He helped us understand the scope of the extension offer and that it was an opportunity to improve the overall value of our lease. We decided to retain his services and are very happy we did. He was able to significantly improve the terms of our lease making it markedly more valuable. He kept us informed of each step, making sure everything was done smoothly and transparent. We are extremely satisfied with the service Evergreen provided and I highly recommend them."
Pastor Robert
Tampa FL
"I can’t tell you the number of letters, emails, post cards, and phone calls we’ve received about our AT&T lease. And all of them claiming to be “advisors” out to help landowners. Most all of them were only interested in buying my lease for as little as they could get away with. Only offering more money when someone else was bidding too. When I spoke to Evergreen Consultants, it was a like a breath of fresh air, they were extremely transparent and honest. Their interest was aligned with mine in finding the best deal, unlike everyone else, who’s interest was serving their investors. They not only found better pricing and terms than we had ever seen, but also helped with the closing. We couldn’t be happier with the service Evergreen Consultants provided and would highly recommend them."
New York NY
"Evergreen Consultants did a great job helping us with the sale of our T-Mobile lease. They had access to dozens of buyers and used their knowledge of the industry to find the best price and terms available. They were even more helpful in getting the transaction closed. So nice to have someone like them on your side. Thank You!"
New Jersey
"After receiving numerous offers to buy our cell tower lease, we decide the time was right to sell. But knowing where to turn and who to trust was a challenge. Evergreen Consultants were recommended by a close friend and we were so glad to have their help. They were able to leverage their years of experience and vast industry network to find us the best offer. In fact, they were able to get 30% more than our previous highest bid! And equally important, They helped us navigate the closing process which was not easy. They even helped us recoup some property taxes owed to us by the tower company. Anthony and his team really go above and beyond and they more than exceeded our expectation."
Orlando FL